Abundance as an Affirmation [How to find Happiness]

How to use Self Talk and Affirmations as a way to find your feelings of abundance and happiness.

You can start finding your happiness in the hidden self using affirmations.

People today are starting to recognize the value of self-talk. At one time, people thought of people that talked to themselves as having a mental ailment. This is not true today. Experts are recognizing that self-talk is a healthy tool that we all can use to direct our attention towards finding an answer to our question and resolve many problems.

At one time, people thought outer appearance made the person. However, today, people are starting to realize that beauty is skin deep, while inner beauty is to the bone. Today people are running to find ways to develop their inner self.

Personal and business coaching, personality development courses, and yoga meditation have opened up to help these people find their way. Now, people are not only spending their resources to improve their looks, but they're also spending more time and looking deeper inward to find ways of improving the inner self.

To understand one's feelings, one has to use his or her self-talk tools. We can speak quietly or out loud when consciously speaking to our inner self. Most of us can manage our job tasks on a daily schedule, but when it comes to managing our feelings and emotions, often it becomes a struggle. Using self-talk tools can change this behavior.

Here's an example of self-talk;

==> "I feel happy".... If not, why? Overcome the obstacle or go around it. Now try it again. "I'm happy because…." Find something. Feel it. Mean it. Practice. PRACTICE. Practice. <==

Finding Happiness

People tend to believe that they can attain happiness and love by matching their life to the images they see around them. Often, we try to copy what we see as a happy person. Thinking that we will be happy too, we may soon realize that our own happiness is not complete. 

This happiness we seek comes from satisfying the inner self….

  • We must identify what we really want.
  • We need to reach for it.
  • The feeling should be fulfilling, that will begin to make us feel abundance. 
  • Then there should be a recognition of gratitude. When we are grateful for our accomplishments we can build more goals.

The easiest and fastest way to abundance and happiness is the OPPOSITE of stressing out, worry, and anger. People often find themselves stressing, because they failed to realize that finding love, joy, and peace is the true road to self-development. It takes the same energy to look at a situation positively as it does to look at it any other way. When in a positive frame of mind, we are already forward thinking in exactly the right direction.  

Success or failure is not what makes a person. What "makes a person" is fighting through the hidden messages in the subliminal mind to discover a positive and problem solving inner self.

We all battle emotional responses, such as anger, sadness, fears, et cetera and these emotions ignite from failures, depression, and despondency, and so on. We all feel down at times. There is no way that we can escape the feelings of sadness, fear, or anger sometimes felt when life confronts us with surprises and hard challenges.  However, there is a way we can all take control of what we express and change the way we feel. 

Here's how to take control of your feelings;

Affirm abundance. Find and feel gratitude.

Affirm. Affirm. Affirm!

Repeat your daily mantra.

Review your goal.

Revise your plan if necessary!

Our subconscious mind obeys our desires when it is trained properly.

We can train our inner self and subconscious to be our instant forward thinking problem solver.

By staying positively poised and in a forward thinking train of thought, we are always one step ahead in the right direction to reach a desired goal.

Another problem we face is dependency. Many people in the world today depend on others to pick them up when they are down. This leads to major problems, simply because not one person has the power to heal you, but you.

To work through all of these problems, we must depend on self, and develop a winning attitude to build confidence. By changing our approach, we can see that the world is our own, based on how we accept it. If a body is unhappy, then the world will seem like a miserable place to live. One of the common sayings today is, Life is a B, and then you die. This entire negative is causing them to miss the benefits of living.

We can all live and learn from each other. Despite what type of life you have lived, you can develop a positive attitude and win the game of life. By holding onto negative thoughts, you only defeat the purpose of living. Life is too short, so develop a winning attitude and grow a positive inner self. Then, it will be easier to make everything else position into place.

Creating Abundance In Your Life Now

Each person is basically acting on the faith that they can benefit from what they're doing.

The person betting on the horse to win has faith that his horse can be the winner and give him a financial gain. The person investing into a business or the stock market has faith that the decision can bring financial gain.

Each one is aware that there is a risk in using these methods of creating abundance. Yet they do it in the faith that it can work for them, and in the hope that it will. It's that act of faith and that belief that's much more important in those examples than the fact that they had anything to lose to start with.

Not everyone who makes a risky business decision will see financial gain. And every situation may not turn out perfectly the first time… 

So there's no way that every person, no matter how much belief they have, can make abundance and achieve goals in this way. Faith is an extremely important component to the big equation of success. It must be combined with the other components of successful goal achievement in order to work properly.

Creating abundance in your own life is possible….

  • Revise plans to reach goals more efficiently.
  • Be positive. "Today is a great day."
  • Be patient.
  • Be grateful.

Foremost is the belief that the universe provides abundantly. There is more than enough for everyone. No one has to go hungry so that another can eat; no one has to lose so that another can win. There is enough for everyone, but everyone does not know this and this is why so many people have trouble reaching their goals.

Once you start to believe that there is enough for you without it meaning that there will be less for someone else, then you free the way for yourself to start creating abundance in your life. You have then become the creator of your own solutions. You are the designer of your goal. Your highest and most treasured dream is yours to work for and achieve.

You are the only obstruction to reaching your goals. 

By simply allowing yourself to view goals, abundance, and prosperity like has been mentioned here, you are choosing to believe that you can and will reach your desired goal. What you think can affect what you have and you can change your life. 

If you think positive thoughts, you will attract positivity. If you let yourself believe that you can have what you want, you open the door to achieving it.

Practice every day deciding that you can have the things that you believe you can have. You are using positive thought, gratitude, and goals to reach your destination. This type of belief is the most important step in creating abundance and happiness in your life.

Repeat after me…

"I'm so happy and grateful the world is mine!"

Use The Power Of Your Thoughts

There is an intelligence inside us that can elevate our life and inner self to a higher level.

Eliminate Fear and  Negative Self-Doubt

Everyone should learn to collaborate with this intelligence inside ourselves. It's the intelligence which is organized in our subconscious mind and helps us learn ways to positively react to our environment while achieving our goals. When we train our mind power to accept our goals and submit to our intentions, we begin to create a powerful working part for successful goal achievement. The subconscious mind begins to believe with our conscious mind the things we know are possible. The conscious and subconscious begin to work together. Positive affirmations, mantras, and self-talk begin to manifest the reality we are striving to achieve. We begin to create a life of abundance and happiness. We have to trained our subconscious mind to happily agree with our stated goals and desired results in life.

Freedom, happiness, richness, love, friendship, health and wealth are our birth right. By affirming these daily goals and adding our other wants and needs to the list, we become forward thinkers, always pointing our efforts in the positive direction.

This does not happen by accident. Creating happiness and abundance is work for our minds. We must daily train our brains (mainly the subconscious mind) to submit to the reality we are choosing. For instance, "I choose to be happy.", means that I am happy. If at first I do not feel that way, my brain becomes trained to see farther than the obstacle to my happiness at this moment. Then, with repetition and practice my subconscious becomes a beehive of buzzing thoughts that are always in tune with my desired results.

I am no longer allowing my brain to be affected by the negative waste of time spent on digression.

I am a positive and forward thinking successful person!!

You can be one too!!

You must practice every day.

Use your positive forward thought to help reach desired goals.

We have been created to live our life in freedom, health and wealth. If our life doesn't look like that, it means we block ourselves by our thoughts. Our thoughts are very powerful instruments that we use to either create happiness and wealth, or sickness and poverty.

If your life doesn't look like what you're dreaming of, it means you have thoughts which go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, first change your thoughts.

You can choose your thoughts. Nobody in the world can put a thought in your head without your permission. Your mind belongs to you! It's your job to control your thoughts! You are the master of your head, you are the guardian of your thoughts. You can change them. Choose the thoughts that will bring you the results you want.

Never think of anything you don't want to happen.

Read that again : never think a thought you don't want to come true.

It means : don't think anything negative about yourself if you don't want this thought to become real. If you don't want to be stupid, stop thinking you are. If you don't want to be fat, stop rehearsing in your head how fat you are now. If you don't want to lose your boyfriend or girlfriend, stop thinking about this possibility.

Instead of these destructive thoughts, choose thoughts which reinforce you. Choose to think how intelligent you are, and you will be! Choose to think how beautiful you are, and you will shine like a star! Choose to think you are loved, and you will!

Thoughts are energy. Every thought carries an energy level. 

Your choice is for you to choose thoughts which are equal to your energy level.  Choose thoughts which increase your energy level. 

Choose positive energy.

Choose happiness.

Choose abundance through gratitude.

It's in your hands! 

Or better… 

it's in your head! 

How you will feel and act depends on what you think. Every action and emotion is preceded by a thought. When you train your inner self to respond to your goals, it will always be in search of ways to reach them.

You must not choose thoughts which block you, or even paralyze you.

It isn't any more difficult to think positively than it is to feel negative and digress. Watch your thoughts so you will be able to choose them consciously. It's just a matter of exercise and consciousness.

Once you’ve learned how to become the master of your thoughts, you become the master of your life and goals!

Your life does not depend on others. It depends on your own ability to master your thoughts, actions, and appreciation of abundance.

My Affirmation: "I'm finding abundance because I know where to find it."

Use daily affirmations and mantra sayings to help you find abundance in your life and stay on your path to happiness, goal achievement, and success.

#Abundance #Goals #Success #Manifestation

Happiness graphic

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