
 Welcome to Geraldine Jerrie Wiltgen's Memorial Blog!

This memorial blog is a way to share the feelings, thoughts, and questions a person may find when reflecting upon the grief of a devastating loss or dealing with the tragedy of the infirmed.

This memorial blog is built to honor the life and memory of Geraldine Jerrie Wiltgen.

Geraldine, a person of the highest importance to many people, was also a kind and loving person.

During her journey through life, she was able to bring happiness and security to the people she loved and knew.  Always with a smile on her face, she brightened any day even brighter.

Geraldine loved sunshine and fresh air. She loved people and sports. She was a strong team player and took very good care of her family and children. She always worked hard to make sure a project started was a project completed well.

Geraldine Jerrie Wiltgen was also a dedicated volunteer. She supported sports groups, particularly Ladies Amateur Golf, which she was very good at and enjoyed greatly.

Here at Jerrie's memorial blog, website content is being developed to inform, educate, and entertain readers.  While providing articles to read about a variety of topics, other forms of website content is being offered as well.  Information about current events, personal opinions, news updates, and links to products will be displayed here.

So full of life and giving in nature as Jerrie was, this memorial blog is meant to be as growing in life and evolving as a planted tree.

Here at Geraldine Jerrie Wiltgen's Memorial Blog, we have already come a long way.  While in an honor of her memory and with her zest for life in mind, this blog is built for reader enjoyment.

As a reader, you may find useful information, articles, products, and self help tips.  This is reader content for wholesome personal education and entertainment. 

While there is no day that goes by that Geraldine is not greatly missed, it is my sincere hope that in going forward that the sharing of thoughts here will help us all to grow spiritually and stronger in heart.

Because of the circumstances surrounding Geraldine's death, there are included articles related to the topic of cancer. Other topics include cancer patient care (from a family perspective), nutrition for better health and healthy living, and topics about mental health and self help.

Geraldine was a friendly person. She would have enjoyed your company and to know you. I know that even though she can not be here today, that if she could, she would want you to come here and visit often.

Please feel welcome here as we celebrate the life and memory of my mother Geraldine Jerrie Wiltgen.

May she rest in peace. She suffered with the weight of the world on her shoulders. 

I love you Mom.

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