Abundance Mindset And Your Happiness

The Seventh Abundance And How To Nurture Your Happiness

It's tempting, when you're struggling with money issues (or any difficulty), to think that this really is a cruel unfriendly world. There you are, working your socks off, and it's all money out, out, out.  That's Leaving you constantly on the bread line while others around you seem to have anything and everything they want. You may be wondering where your life has gone and which way to Happiness?!

But just as the sun seems to move around the earth rather than the earth around the sun, that's just an illusion. I'm going to show you that, despite your desperate or tight financial circumstances, you are infinitely richer than you think. And that, when you discover just how abundant your life is, your financial situation will dramatically change as well.

We tend to think that abundance, or wealth, or riches, or the flow of all good things, is confined to having money or being lucky.

Well, it isn't. Here are six other kinds of abundance that are almost certainly available to you right now, in health or any situation without any investment or effort on your part. Once you focus on these areas of abundance, you will find that your AA, or Abundance Attitude will automatically trigger a corresponding reaction in the state of your happiness (and luck) and make you actually feel the abundantly blessed. 

1. Creative Abundance.

Even if you don't have a nickel, penny or a yen to your name, you can still have a torrent of great ideas. For the truth of the matter is that, while God did not create money, (it's purely a human concept), He did create a thought-based Universe. There are no limits to your thoughts. You can have as many as you want. You can make them as grand as you want. Your thoughts literally travel around the Universe and even, say some, through all time. Allow yourself to dream of what you can bring into this world and you'll realize how abundant you really are. More to the point, whether it's riches or health, ideas come from your thoughts. It's a huge, free and endlessly renewable resource. Use it. Believe in your abundance and it will be yours!

2. Choice Abundance.

Unless you are reading this from a prison cell, you are a free person, with free will, and free choices about how to live your life. So, if your present circumstances are not what you want, all you have to do is change your choices for something else and you'll get a different result. Choose another habit, another action, another way of working, another style, another task, another location, another venture. You have an abundance of choices in every moment of your life. Choose wisely.

*And as a note, if you are reading this from a prison cell, today is the first day of the rest of your life! Begin by choosing to be abundantly happy and grateful for life. Take one step at a time and make today a better day than yesterday.

3. Gifts Abundance.

Many people who remain poor in their lives do so because they don't realize how gifted they really are. They are locked into a victim mentality where any number of excuses are used to explain why they don't have what they want. There's the excuse of I'm not good enough or I'm not wealthy enough or I'm not lucky enough or any other similar phrase. 

The truth is that the Universe or our Higher Power God has not singled out anyone to have more gifts than anyone else. We are all uniquely and abundantly gifted. Once you find out what your gifts are through a process of experience, trial and error, feedback from others, and honest self-assessment then you'll find yourself living in a complete state of riches and feelings of happiness and abundance. 

Once you realize that what you have now is neither yesterday nor tomorrow then you will be in control of your abundant "here and now" mindset. You will be in control of your next move. You will be in charge of your next decision. You will have found the abundance to move in the direction of anything in life you want.  Be it money, health, or love, you are able to have the moment of now. 

Make your choice and grow your dreams. You are an abundantly talented human being and you owe it to yourself to find these talents inside of yourself. That way you can live happily and be productive in this world.

4. Health Abundance.

Even if you find yourself down on your luck, there's no reason why you cannot bask in the glow of abundant appreciation of every living moment you have now. One of the ironies of modern life is that many people are caught in the trap of working long hours in order to have enough money or time. They strive to live for tomorrow.  They work to excess so that they can buy the holidays they need to recover from their excessive working. The fact is, you were meant to live a healthy and abundant life, full of energy and vitality. It is your birthright. 

Even if improvement is needed, you may have this moment. If you seek out how to live in an abundant moment of the here and now, you will find each moment leads to the next one. Your abundance of appreciation will be the eternity of health you have to enjoy. The healthy lifestyle you were meant to live, may well be found, starting with your mindset! Only one single day of an abundant attitude that's appreciative of family and friends and their company is worth a century of wishful thinking!!

5. Love Abundance.

The idea that we are all abundant in love may sound sentimental, but there is no getting away from the fact that, while your capacity to earn has limits even for the super-wealthy your capacity to love and be loved is without limits. When you uncork the Love stoppers in your life, you release such a flow of good things for yourself and others, that it's like champagne all the way. Give and show love to those who are important to you. Love strangers rather than fearing or judging them. Love every creature you share this planet with. Love what you do each day. And most of all love yourself. Don't be sentimental about it. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. And there are no limits to it if you'll just let yourself do it.

A smile is free and they're contagious!!

6. Material Abundance.

Our modern generation has been brainwashed into believing that without money they are not materially rich. This is simply a clever marketing ploy or selfish attempt to embarrass us for not having or needing more. 

Don't get me wrong, okay, I think everyone should have lots of money.  It's just that these days, sometimes, people lose sight of the idea that a little thing can be really big. 

The truth is that the Universe and our Higher Powers, who you remember did not invent money, created you to enjoy the fruits of the earth in abundance whether you have money or not. You simply don't need a big house, a big yacht, a villa in Spain, a six-figure income, and four holidays a year to enjoy abundance. And the place to look? Well, it's not in the man-made malls and supermarkets, or underneath the hood of your car.  It's inside of all of us right now. 

We have to decide to seek it out and we will find it! We are the creators of our own abundance. 

We are in charge of our own mindset. 

When we decide to be happier or have more money we have found the direction to the things in life that really make us feel rich. We can, by steadily working, find the things in life that make us feel the richness of abundance.

Once we identify what it is that we want we can be free to enjoy it. 

And now for the key to your financial future. We could call it the seventh abundance. 

When you focus on the previous six areas of super-abundance

  • your endless gift for creativity,
  • your infinite range of life choices,
  • your unique talents,
  • your inalienable right to enjoy this moment of health,
  • your unlimited capacity to love,
  • and the cornucopia of the natural world,
you cannot help but live a wonderfully abundant life.

If you really believe that abundance and wealth are already yours, you will create the seventh abundance with astonishing ease. And money will flow into your life as if by magic.

 Read More About Developing Your Abundance Mindset 

Visit Now! 

Developing an abundance mindset begins with learning to appreciate and enjoy the the things you have without adding the negative energy that comes from thinking about the things you don't have.

"You will find an abundant, happy, and fulfilling life once you are fully aware of your thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process of limiting beliefs and scarcity-based thinking to an abundance mindset." (Read More Here)

Know that anyone can successfully access an abundance mindset and achieve whatever they deeply want and believe they deserve.

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