Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions for 2022

 These Top New Year Resolutions Will Get You On Your Way To Having A Great Year!!

As the New Year dawns, most of us make a few resolutions. These help everyone keep things in perspective throughout the year. Resolutions are often goals that we hope to achieve.

The most common resolutions for 2022 are:

1. Institute disaster management plans to keep family as well as business safe from unexpected calamities. It's been a long haul for many of us to get through the past couple of years. It's been highly prioritized on many people's minds to keep a safe supply of food and shelter to weather out any black cloud that comes our way.

2. Focus on health and fitness. This has become most important and the world trend reveals that most people put health and fitness as a primary goal for 2022. Awareness of the connection between good health and an exercise regime has reached an all time high and many would like to choose the path of health rather than illnesses like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and more. Careful planning around daily schedules will help to make sure that we can get as much fresh air and sunshine as we need.

3. Spend more time with the family. Family has become very important and for many, professional success comes second. Fulfillment means more than wealth and climbing the corporate ladder. But if you're still on the ladder or stuck at the bottom… it's okay. Just remember that you can always get another job but you can't replace your family. Resolve to take the time and care to stay close, life is much too short. 

4. Finance is a goal most made. Some want to reach a certain target like making their first million and for others, the resolution was to get out of the debt trap. Resolve to make a sound financial plan so that the earning matches the spending.

5. Volunteer work, show you care by helping others. World over, natural and other calamities have pulled at the heart strings of many. The events have inspired some to take a hard look at their lives. Many have resolved to be less selfish and undertake volunteer work. Some deeds are shared closer to home and some people share time at jobs. Some volunteer work doesn't even require you to lift a finger! Just resolve to smile a little more often and speak a kind word. That small effort will go a long way and be greatly appreciated by many.

6. Techies decided to enhance security, fight against spam, adware, and spyware, and to take the cyber world towards new frontiers. Stay safe when on the internet. Be part of the many people coming forward these days that "if they see something strange, then say something about it". You really can't be too careful.

7. Gamers resolved not just to try all the games but to have a life outside the gaming world. To take matters into their own hands and create a full schedule which includes study, health, fitness, family time, making friends, and of course gaming. Explore Gamers Health at LinkedIn and at Reddit.

8. The career minded decided to achieve goals, but to take disappointments in their stride, be polite to all, a leader in their own field, and stay organized.

9. Many decided to consciously make subtle lifestyle changes and to include: meditation, stress relieving techniques, listen to music, follow a healthy lifestyle, exercise, further their education, and meet many interesting people.

10. Strengthening relationships is a goal many aimed for to support their inner peace and well being of heart. The resolution is to stay positive, have self respect, show caring, and seek a balanced relationship which involves both give and take.

Across the world the most popular resolutions were: health and fitness, career development, and sustained relationships. Many glanced at 2020-21  and took a hard look at themselves and where they were headed. Events harshly showed that a  human being's life is too short and precious to be wasted away. One must in life look beyond personal goals and think of the world as a whole. Security from natural events of nature, the costs of peace and prosperity, coupled with a coming together to overcome these calamities has seemed to be on most minds.

Include resolutions to be more grateful, caring, and sharing. It only takes a moment to be happy, smile more, and say hello to someone you know.

New Year's Resolutions-

Here's Some New Ideas…..

New year's resolutions. You promise yourself you’ll quit smoking, lose ten pounds, take that vacation or buy that dream car. Did you know that 93.5% of new year's resolutions are never followed through on? Okay, I made up that statistic, but it’s believable, isn’t it? Time for some new ideas. (Source: my friend that always breaks

New Ideas For Your New Year's Resolutions

How about a resolution to do the things which make all your goals more achievable? You can’t make a lot of money if you don’t have the habits that lead to that. You can’t have better physical conditioning if you just start another exercise program and then quit. You have to change your mind before the rest will change. Here are some new ideas for that interior self improvement.

Kaizen For The New Year

Kaizen: “Japanese for continuous and incremental improvement, a business philosophy about working practices and efficiency.” What does this have to do with self improvement and new years resolutions?

Kaizen is the “continuous improvement” theory of efficiency progression. The Japanese and developed into “Kaizen,” a method for efficiently creating quality products through small and continuous changes. Guess what? This is perfect for accomplishing your personal goals, too.

Want to quit smoking? The kaizen way might be to stop smoking in your car, as the first small step. Then you could switch to a brand with less nicotine, stop smoking in the house, and so on.

Now, I'll have to tell you that this really works. With everything! Just give it a try and don't give up. Don't be disappointed about small setbacks and stay creative in your efforts to change. I can practically guarantee that you won't be disappointed. You will succeed and you will reach your goals!!


Kaizen uses “small questions.” In factories this meant no more questions like “What are you going to do to improve the company profits this year?” That elicits fear more than creative ideas. A better question is, “What small change could we make in your department to reduce expenses or improve quality?” This approach was found to be far more productive.

For purposes of improving your life, this means asking small suggestive questions, like, “What could I do to free up five minutes for my meditation practice?” or “What small change could I make if I wanted to improve my relationships today?” Small questions dispel the fear, intimidation, and procrastination that come with facing the issue head-on.

Small questions, small comfortable changes, and continual progress – that’s kaizen. Imagine where you’d be if you had consciously made one small change in your life each week for the last few years. Better yet, imagine where you’ll be next year, if you start the process today.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” – Lao Tzu

Don't Forget The Affirmations

Stand in front of that mirror regularly and especially if you want something of yourself, repeating to yourself “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.” If it doesn’t do enough of what you hope, then here’s a new idea (okay, an old idea renewed).  Evidence will be more convincing when you are succeeding with the small changes too. Step by step. Actions and affirmations. To that I add: What you look for, you find, and it changes your mind.

Prove this to yourself by watching for nice people for a few days, making a mental note each time you see one. It will change your experience of people in a positive way. Then, to test the idea further, watch for rude people for a few days, and you’ll see them all over. Do this exercise, and you’ll quickly come to understand that you experience the world not just according to what is there, but even more according to what you pay attention to. Find the good things and experience gratitude and appreciation. This one habit of looking for and finding "the positive in life" will always drop you off at that doorstep first… a good thing.

To use this to motivate yourself towards positive change, find your successes. If your new year's resolution is to exercise more, notice when you remember to park farther away from the store so you have to walk. Write it down even. Point out your successes to yourself, and you’ll start to have more of them. If you want to lose weight, note everytime you walk past the refrigerator without opening it. Focus on and remember any success. You can start doing this right now.

First things first. Resolve to change the habits in your mind. Have success!!

Enjoy life.

Be Happy.


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