How To Live Happy And Be Successful [You Can Achieve Success And Happiness]

How To Start Finding More Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle.

You Can Achieve Success And Happiness.

Here is how you can set a goal to "Be Happy" and then go and do it. 

Try This To Improve Your Lifestyle And Mentality So You Can Really Be Happy.

First, a few questions...

Are you looking for ways to improve your lifestyle?

Are you bored in your current role of employment? 

Do you think you could be achieving a lot more than you are at the moment? 

Are you seeking a new challenge? 

Are you looking for happiness? 

If you said yes to any of these questions, then you may benefit from this advice. Here Are A Few Ways To Improve Your Lifestyle And Mentality So You Can Really Be Happy.

In this article, I give advice on how people can go about improving their lifestyle, this advice is based on my own personal experiences.

I believe that we should always be looking for ways to expand our knowledge and should never just accept second best. The brain is very powerful and loves to be challenged or to learn a new task. It is what keeps us alive and full of personality. I am sure that we have all heard the phrase, I think this job is making me brain dead. This is where someone has a role that is not challenging their brain, and it can lead to boredom and even depression. Their mind is desperate for something to do and something to test them. That is where goal setting and daily affirmations are the best way to help a person stay on the positive side of things.

I am also always looking for new things I can learn about. Just recently I have been attempting the ins and outs of some website development. This is something which is of great interest to me and I wanted to learn more. One thing I have learned in this and other projects that are similar is that it is hard work. The lessons are rewarding, if you constantly set new goals for yourself then you will grow personally. I have found that on many days the positive affirmations and my determination to succeed have settled my need for patience.

I also like to help out people on a voluntary basis. This is something I would advise other people to do if they have the spare time, as it can give you a real buzz knowing that you are helping somebody while it also keeps you busy. A lot of people who have too much spare time on their hands can easily find themselves becoming restless and this can lead them into a lack of direction in life. Thoughts that are normally only worry and uncertainty are not very healthy or productive. Meditation can help to sort things out. Regular meditation is a great way to get in some positive thoughts, be more organized, and to plan things more effectively.

Volunteer work may not always be exactly the most interesting of things to do, but it is helping to take some of the burden away from others. There is a great deal of satisfaction to be found when helping others that are in real need of help.

In the past I have also attended evening study classes. This again is where I am trying to improve my knowledge and is something that I can include on my list of experiences. It is also a great way of meeting new people which is something I like to do. It is also very rewarding to accomplish the goal of completing a course successfully. Goals are extremely important and everyone should have plenty of them!

Live and be happy.

There are many ways in which we can become happier and more satisfied with life. Our life does not have to be boring and mundane, there are always options out there of how we can go about improving our lifestyle. Affirmations, goal setting and manifestation are often the healthiest and easiest way to get us on the path to reaching true happiness.

Use Daily Affirmations, Manifestation, and Determination To Reach Any Goal.

Know How to Find The Right Answers When Leaving Your Comfort Zone To Pursue Your Dream……..

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” — George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists

It is probably the number two task of leadership — asking. You ask people to do things, and when they do — well, stuff happens.

But what really extends your ability to make big things happen is asking for things that are (or seem to be) “unreasonable.”

What is unreasonable? Asking yourself for things you may not really expect but want anyway.  Set goals and Expect for yourself, which under ordinary circumstances, you would expect to say, “no,  it's probably not possible". But asking anyway. Reaching way out there for something….

The trick is to expect positive results if the goal is reasonable. Affirm the positive and then work through or around the obstacles until you can find a clear path.

Create a challenge for yourself. The challenge is for you to continually be unreasonable in what you ask of yourself. Step out of your comfort zone and set higher goals. Affirm support for your success. Manifest the desired reality with determination.  And not just internally — externally as well. 

Making requests of yourself and your subconscious is a normal activity. However, doing it successfully takes practice for most people. Unreasonable requests that force you out of your comfort zone are doubly rewarding when goals are reached. Most of us don't want to risk failure so smaller goals are easier. That's okay, but sooner or later it's time to flex the muscles. So we ask for small things, easy things, get things, and then make the "muscle flex" with the mind and then say "yes!" to the accomplished goals.

Keeping your requests small is a good strategy if you are starting out, but it limits your results. 

The action in your goals is moved forward in direct proportion to the size of your requests, so to move things along quickly, you have to ask big, try hard, and really work with the obstacles in your path. If you are doing the right thing and your goals are real, your results will be amazing!

Always be ready to revise your plan of action. Think of what changes would make your goals easier to attain. To be successful, you should always have goals. 

Make them unreasonable…. at this moment. But realize that the only difference is the size of the obstacles.

Now ask yourself. Big goal or small goal?

What do I want my success to be?

Make your dreams the biggest! Reach higher and farther than ever before…

Dream Bigger..

Dream Bigger…

Dream Bigger Than That….

By doing this and working hard to overcome and go around obstacles, happiness and prosperity become the reality and not just a goal!

Use daily affirmations for inspiration and manifestation.

Use determination and ingenuity to build the road over and around any obstacles you encounter along the way.



7 Ways To Think Your Way Out Of Your Comfort Zone and Still Find Happiness

Could thinking our way "out of the comfort zone" lead us to being happier anyway?

Could setting an unreasonable goal ever be achieved?

Let's look at the big picture and see if a path could eventually be made into a road….

Here Are 7 Sure Ways To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

First decide what you really want to do. What would make work worth working at and life worth living. Then figure out how to do it.

Most people look to what they know they CAN do as a guide to what they WILL do; I think to get anything important done in the world, you have to look towards what you WANT to do, and then figure out how to do it.

When most people think about what they are committed to, they consider where they can build a bridge to from where they already are. What would happen if you choose where you wanted to go without considering your current circumstances and then worried about how to build that bridge?

There is nothing wrong with being reasonable, except that “what is reasonable” is a poor guide to action when designing actions to push the future. Being reasonable will help you feel safe in the sense of knowing that your actions will turn out pretty much the way you expect them to. But it is dangerous in that same sense of producing predictable results; what is predictable has, by definition, been done before. And what has been done before is unlikely to make much of a difference in the future.

(Paul Lemberg)

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adopt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. – George Bernard Shaw

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. – Rita Mae Brown

So what else is new? – Paul Lemberg

Being reasonable

My dictionary defines being reasonable as being rational. Rational, it says, means being reasonable. A vicious circle: I know I’m in trouble already. Going further, reasonable also means being governed by reason; which in turn means explanations, justifications, underlying facts, good judgment, normalcy, plus the capacity for logic and analytic thought. Further, being reasonable means being within the bounds of common sense, as in arriving home at a reasonable hour, and lastly it means not excessive or extreme.

I’m all for logic and analytic thought, but does following the dictum “be reasonable” sound like a good way to build a breakthrough success?

The very idea of “being reasonable,” prescribes something restrictive. It exhorts us to remain “within the box,” to do what sensible people would do: not to over commit ourselves, to be cautious, to avoid risks, to hold our own apron strings.

What is the alternative?

To be unreasonable, of course. Get right out of your comfort zone and make a big reach for a higher goal!  Being unreasonable, getting out of our comfort zone, suggests multiple meanings. Here are seven applications of being unreasonable.

1. Think beyond what is normal, proper, and appropriate.

Example: "I need only one vacation this Year".

Typically, one of the first things you might say is, “But that's all I can afford!". But really? Maybe a well thought out weekend or two could provide nearly as much rest and relaxation as a whole week.

One thing for sure, you'll need the right frame of mind for it. Beside figuring out how to come up with the money, you will only need to know how to actually feel happy about being able to arrange it.

What you need is thinking and doing that is un-bounded by the traditional logic of your restrictions. 

2. Eliminate the reasons why.

There are reasons why we have to do things a certain way. There are reasons why certain approaches to our goals are going to work and others will not. There are reasons why things should be the way they are and not some other way. Challenge the reasons why and ask yourself if " to set them aside. Ask, “Well, what if we did. What would happen then? Would that work? What would work better? What would really rock you?”

3. No more excuses.

When someone around you doesn’t produce the desired results–results to which they have not committed, perhaps promised themselves but never delivered...–they usually have a reason why not. Looking at it this way, you always have one or the other: desired results or reasons why you don’t. People act as if those reasons are almost as good as the results. How do I know this? Because they always say something like, “Well, it didn’t work, but here’s why not,” or “We didn’t get ‘it’ done, because…” Or, worse still, ” We didn’t even try because…”

Remove the option to resort to reasons why not. Take away the option to resort to excuses. I think the entire world would shift if there was no recourse to the “excuse” option–if all you could do was produce the desired result, or try another way to get the desired result, or try another way, and so on. Focus, then keep reaching and don't give up on an important goal!

4. Set your expectations.

Decide to go beyond what you think is reasonable or normal. Commit if you can, make risky pronouncements that will result in an exhilarating outcome. Use all your resources; visualization, daily mantras, affirmations, and all the like for your best results. Starting the day with a proper frame of mind and direction will create even more positive momentum. You might threaten the natural order of things, but the wrecked comfort zone and newly accomplished goals may be worth it. I think the trick is to start small and work your way up. Each time a goal is bigger, higher, and more challenging. That may be true, but you will find that it is not likely to be more difficult because each time you become more aware of your limits. You become more in tune with how hard you can "push yourself" to get the desired results!

Place big giant stakes in the ground–then figure out how to deliver. Figure out how to turn those unreasonable expectations into reality. Taking this approach will dramatically increase your effectiveness and productivity–and ultimately results. Why should you settle for what is reasonable and predictable? Why accept the norm, the average, the median? Apply unreasonable thinking. Set unreasonable expectations. Use your resources to work around and overcome obstacles as they block your path to success!

5. Make requests of yourself and then rise up with answers, Challenge Your Comfort Zone.

This approach will aid when setting a goal limit. Try “Just ask yourself  for more.” Keep asking for more, better, sooner. Up the ante. Ask yourself to perform beyond your  best.

This is not a negotiating tactic. It is not “nibbling.” It is asking yourself to explore the depths and origin of the idea you are trying to reach.  To perform beyond your own sense of what is reasonable, it's finding new highs. When you raise the standard, you have a clearer image of what you can accomplish and what obstacles you may be facing.  Sometimes people will fail to meet these unreasonable commitments–don’t feel like a failure for it. Just pick up where you were and examine obstacles more closely so that you may understand them better, and ultimately overcome them. With patience, it is highly possible you will get stellar results that you wouldn’t have dreamed of previously.

6. Make "Big Goals and Plans" into reasonable results.

Most people plan to achieve reasonable results in perspective  to past successes and failures, or even worse, in relation  to family or peer expectations. Instead of setting these kinds of goals, begin with a more profound question: what would make a really big difference for me? What would cause a breakthrough for my future? What would dramatically increase my security and happiness? What would be “worth doing?” The answers may not be reasonable but they may instead take you along a path towards huge success.

7. Forecast your successful future.

Most businesses forecast their results–revenues, growth rates and so on, based on prior year’s results. They call this reasonable, and similarly they assume industry norms and consider them reasonable. But in the twenty-first century, driven by the incredible rate of change in all aspects of our: culture, industry, customer’s businesses, our workforce, available technology–to think that anything dating from last year remains the same in this one–this isn’t just not reasonable, it might be totally ridiculous. This works exactly the same for our personal life as well. That's the thinking "great vacation!, I'm coming back next year and staying longer…" We sometimes make amazing proclamations without realizing that we can apply this kind of forward thinking to all the aspects of our life. 

Take into account all the factors–bring everything you know about the situation up-to-date, add to it all the future changes you predict. Use that to forecast "unreasonable results" and make unreasonable plans into "perfectly reasonable" ones that were successfully achieved. Use affirmations, manifestation, and true grit. Succeed higher, farther, and bigger than ever before!

So How to do it?

Should you give up all pretense of rationality and logic? Should you step outside the norms and ignore the accumulated wisdom of your experience?  “That would be great if it works out,” you say, “but if it doesn’t, my reputation is on the line.” Right? Well, yes, but…

Unreasonable thinking does not mean un-thinking. Unreasonable thinking (the big push towards a goal) is about exploring. Pushing the envelope. Cross pollinating. Intuitive inventing.  Blasting out of your comfort zone with your own visualization of what makes you feel accomplished, successful, and happy! 

It may be that the line separating unreasonable ideas from ridiculous ideas lies where thinking is left behind. Or perhaps the line lies only in hindsight. You MUST plan carefully, consider your reality, and then push yourself to achieve!!

I think the fear of failing, the fear of jeopardizing your future, is the biggest obstacle to creating great results. Yet the only way to create big giant breakthrough results is to take the road less traveled–to create ideas and reach for results that are unreasonable–and then  going for it. If you fail people will–with perfect hindsight–call your idea ridiculous. But if you succeed… wow!

The bottom line??


The visible path between "here" and "there" is not always immediately visible. By setting goals we wish we could achieve and staying determined to reach them, we will often see that the unreasonable is truly possible.

Success Training: Why You Should Put It At The Top Of Your Agenda So You Can Save More Time

Think about these questions...

Did you ever get started pursuing a goal, only to lose sight of how to attain it?

Have you ever gotten stuck and manifestation isn't happening?

Did you think of what it was that you wanted and didn't know where to start?

Did you ever think that "it's taking too long" to reach your goal or just wasn't possible?....

If you ever had questions about how to succeed or find the prosperity and happiness you desire, then it's likely what you really need is a life coach and mentor…

You need someone that has experience at helping people achieve their goals.

You need someone to help you see clearly a path to your success and prosperity.

You need to know how it is that other people are successfully accomplishing the very goals that you want to achieve.

You need to reach higher, go farther, and accomplish more than ever before…..

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Find out how a ProctorGallagher Institute Coaching Program can help you achieve your dreams!....

You'll see that two heads working towards a goal will be better than one. Read more here….


I'm finding happiness!

Happiness is mine today!

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