Soundwaves For Better Health [Enjoy the benefits of Binaural Music]


Binaural sounds for entertainment. 

Set the phone or ipod on loop. Enjoy.

Binaural Beats

Optimizing your brain with just your set of headphones!

Binaural beats are unique sounds recorded in such a way that they re-adjust the brain wave frequencies of the listener automatically. Through a technological technique that has been named brain entrainment, binaural beats can change the mental and physical state of anyone who listens.

Analysis has shown that some brainwaves, like intense relaxation, are ideal for learning and retaining new information while delta brainwave states promote relaxed healthy sleep. Until the adaptation of binaural beats tapes, CDs and MP3s, the only technique to create deliberate changes in your brainwave patterns was with deep meditation. For thousands of years this type of meditation has only been possible for practitioners of meditation with over 20 years experience, such as Zen Buddhist Monks.

However, by using binaural beats it is now possible for every person to enter meditative states within minutes only by using good headphones and a specifically recorded pre-made binaural beats recording.

Although the science of brain entrainment is a bit complex to explore, the basic premise is easy to comprehend. Binaural beats were discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove when he was an Associate Professor at the University in Berlin. Dove discovered that when 2 similar sounds, that differ only slightly in frequency, are presented separately to left and right ear (Binaural) they will cause a pulsation or beat type effect to occur in the brain.

It was in the late ’70s when Scientific American published the research paper by Dr. Gerald Oster called “Auditory Beats in the Brain”. This paper showed how Dr. Oster took Prof. Dove’s discovery and through research found that by utilizing these binaural beats he could direct the brain processes of the listener to match the internal beat created by the binaural beats. When this occurred the brainwaves of the listener began to resonate with the same frequency as the binaural beats. Thus Oster found that through this technology he was able to change the brainwave frequencies of the listener and bring about deliberate mental states.

To the normal person this would just be another scientific discovery that has nothing to do with real life and our everyday routines, were it not for the fact that everything you do in life has a corresponding brainwave pattern. Most times the effects you wish to create are affected by, and correspond to the state your brainwaves are in at that moment. The things you do have a dominant frequency associated with each and every one. When you are in a state of deep relaxation and when asleep your brain has a specific frequency associated with it. There are specific patterns such as Theta waves, Delta, Alpha, and Beta.  When you are in a physical state where you are alert and intensely concentrating, your brain is engaged in Beta or even Gamma frequency patterns. When you enter a state of focused relaxation like enjoying TV, imagining or while under the influence of hypnosis, you are in the Alpha state. This is also the state experienced with most forms of meditation. Streams of consciousness may vary. Men and women with years of meditative experience, like Zen Buddhist Monks, can enter Theta and Delta states while staying extremely aware. These states, that would normally take an entire life to achieve by practicing meditation, can be prompted within minutes using binaural beats.

“This all sounds great”, you may say but how does it affect me? Is it possible to induce meditative states at will using binaural beats? Is this relevant to you and me? In order to answer that question it is best to look at the benefits of meditation.

Some of the benefits of meditation include:

1. Deep relaxation.

2. More profound, more restful and energizing sleep.

3. Higher levels of creativity.

4. A slower aging rate.

5. Releasing past negative emotional turmoil.

6. Relief from Stress.

7. Heightened physical energy.

8. Heightened focus and concentration.

9. Better retention of learned information.

10. Faster recovery times after surgery.

This list is a small sample of the benefits of meditation and this list is certainly not extensive.

It is evident then that the benefits of having a technology that can induce desired brain states that correspond to beneficial changes in mind and body is very advantageous. We are very blessed to live in a time where we have access to different forms of this technology.  From Holosync and Brain Entrainment, designed for major self improvement, and to individual Binaural Beats recordings designed to create definite states in mind and body, we certainly have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of mental enhancement.

The experiments conducted into binaural beats and its effects shows that this technology produces results and can be used very successfully by any person. I have listed some resources that I have found for your interest.

A general overview describing binaural recordings  may be found at Wikipedia.

With a little adjustment to the sound level, this track is quite enjoyable. It may be enjoyed with headphones.  It is also great as a computer screen saver while doing office work. 

Personal copies may be available soon. Until then, just enjoy them here.

#Relax #Meditation #BinauralLoop #Headphones 

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